
Growing up gay is not easy.

There is a struggle to connect with members of the same sex while not exactly fitting in with members of the opposite sex.

Often, the role you carry is ‘odd duck’ or ‘black sheep’ – feeling out of place. At a young age, you knew that you were different and learned this causes pain.

You desperately want to fit in by pretending to be someone you’re not. Hiding behind this false image only increases the struggle of finding yourself and being true to who you are.

Overwhelming Shame

Struggling to overcome the shame one feels for being different can affect every area of life. The feeling of being flawed, unworthy of connection or belonging plagues individuals, preventing authenticity and realness.

The journey to self-acceptance and self-love is not always a straight path and often has several twists and turns, ups and downs. Learning to be true to oneself is one of life’s most challenging lessons and painful journeys.

Fear, loneliness, and debilitating pain prevent one from progressing and having the healthy and happy life that all deserve. You’re not alone.

Time to ease up on yourself.

You can’t help how you feel. It’s time to give yourself a break and stop feeling wrong with who you are and how you think and feel.

Together, we will unpack the shame you have experienced while focusing on removing those obstacles preventing you from being the best version of yourself.

On this therapy journey, we will identify the areas in your life that you want to change, develop goals toward making these changes, and then work on developing these changes.

In the counseling process, you will feel heard, validated, and understood; you will learn how to process and let go of the pain and suffering that you have been experiencing.

Remove those struggles by taking the first step.

That first step is the beginning of a journey of recovery that lightens the burden you feel.

As we work together, you can overcome the shame and vicious cycle in which that shame has you trapped.

Unpacking those complicated relational dynamics will bring clarity and peace.

Let me be your companion on your journey of discovery. Contact me today. (949) 415-8728