Individual Therapy for Women

Every woman needs time for herself.

It has never been more difficult for women to find balance than now. These times are stressful, and the pressure is not letting up.

Being everything to everyone is exhausting, along with the expectations to do it all gracefully without sweating. The entire world is watching you and waiting for you to drop the ball. Keeping it together is getting harder and harder every day.

You want to be the best mother, wife, partner, daughter, and friend.

What about you? It’s been a long time since you found time for yourself. After all, you have needs, too.

It’s time for some YOU time!

Throughout my career, I have worked with so many amazing and strong women just like you. Together, we will work on identifying the areas in your life where you want to grow. We also will identify the issues that are holding you back and preventing you from excelling and thriving.

Once we identify the areas you want to develop, we will prioritize them and work together to establish goals. After we prioritize your goals, we roll up our sleeves and get to work.

We will start tackling those issues that have been holding you back for so long. The journey may seem scary, but I am with you throughout the process while encouraging, supporting, and guiding you every step of the way.

Lean on me!

We are on this journey together, so you are not alone.

Throughout our counseling, you will feel a warm sense of safety and comfort, acceptance, and belonging as we develop our therapeutic relationship.

The intensity of your pain will soon lessen as you experience balance and establish healthy boundaries with others.

Eventually, you will start to feel whole, connected, and grounded as we continue to process and work through the limiting beliefs you have held onto for so many years.

Time becomes yours to control.

Before you know it, you will find joy in the small things while letting go of the things you cannot control.

You will become free from the feelings of shame and judgment of not measuring up to the expectations of others and find time for yourself.

Learn to thrive in these demanding times by finding the courage to start this journey, which is about meeting your needs.

Let me be in your corner as you take the journey.

Call me today, and let’s schedule a time to talk. (949) 415-8728