How This Works

Journey along the path of self-discovery.

You’re sitting at your computer or on your phone while looking at this page. You think to yourself, “Do I want to do this? Or “What can of worms am I getting myself into by contacting him?”

These are all normal thoughts. Therapy is a journey, and you have not yet seen where the path leads, which can bring up anxiety and fear. That’s normal.

Let me make it easier for you as we start this journey together.

Be all in for your therapy experience.

Commit to yourself and show up for yourself because therapy is an investment in yourself.

Therapy is like how we work out to keep our bodies healthy and in good shape. Therapy helps us stay emotionally in shape and provides us with a safe, neutral place to process.

This place is where you will feel heard, understood, and free of judgment and criticism.

We will work on aligning our thoughts with our feeling to find balance and harmony within ourselves through our work together.

No doubts – start the journey.

Perhaps you question whether therapy is right for you or that therapy failed to work for you in the past.

Don’t use these reasons to limit your growth and potential.

You are not the same person you were back then, and every therapist is different.

You owe it to yourself to do something for yourself.

Let’s connect.

The time is now; give me a call, send me a text or message, and let’s start this journey.

When you reach out to me, I will coordinate a time to talk with you for about 15-20 minutes to explore what is going on in your life and see if I can help you and if we both think it’s a good fit. If we agree to start the counseling process, we will schedule an appointment. I will get your email address and send you a link to a client portal to fill out some forms electronically before our scheduled meeting.

As we begin therapy, we will develop a plan of action, establish goals, and work toward getting you to where you are thriving.

As we progress on the things that caused you to seek help, we will reassess and adjust to new goals or schedule appointments as needed. The goal is for you not to be in therapy forever.

Do something for yourself by contacting me today. (949) 415-8728