
Welcome, as we start our journey together.

Counseling usually begins as uncomfortable; but I will do my best to make you feel safe as your therapist.

Most of us rarely share such personal stuff with someone we have never met, and even the thought of it brings up anxiety, launching us out of our comfort zone. But don’t be stressed because I am here to help you as I withhold judgment and allow you to be you.

Our journey starts where you are at the moment.

At times, some clients are nervous that they may not know where to start. Don’t worry; I am here with you to help you unpack what is going on and what you don’t want to let go of right now. Together, we will explore the most pressing issues and work on developing a plan. Soon, you will feel more comfortable with me, and we will tackle more significant problems in the safety of the therapy.

As we start this process together, we will see each other weekly or every other week. As time goes on and you are making progress toward your goals, we will decrease the frequency of our sessions to every few weeks and then, monthly. Eventually, we will get to where our journey ends.

Some people get nervous about therapy ending, but you will have the skills to continue your journey. If things come up again and you want to come back, we could explore what that would look like. But the goal is for you to be independent and not relying on me forever.


About Me

What do my clients say about their experience?

I asked a client about her experience working with me. Her response was…

“Travis, I come into your office and melt into your couch like butter. I feel the pressure and the weight of the world lifted off of my shoulders. I know that the next 50 minutes I am in your office are all about me; this is the only place and time where it is about me.

I was in such a dark place when I started seeing you for counseling. At the time, the thought of talking to a therapist was frightening, but you made me feel so safe and not alone. It is here where I can come and process how I feel and work on aligning my thoughts in my head with the emotions in my heart.

I have learned so much and have come so far in my relationships with others to be vulnerable and authentic and accept people for who they are and not who I want them to be. Some days I come in here, and we laugh and talk about the old me; other times, I cry uncontrollably, and you are helping me work through my pain. You are here for it all, the good, the bad, and the ugly crying.

Then I leave your office feeling heard, seen, understood, and balanced, ready to go back to my life where I am not seen or heard, confident that I can make the permanent changes that I am determined to work on.”

My journey

I grew up in Southern California and received my Master of Science Degree in Clinical Psychology from Vanguard University.

I have been helping individuals like you for the past eight years. My passion is to come alongside people and help them through some of their challenging periods, helping them find hope and develop the courage to make changes.

When I am not helping others overcome the obstacles in their lives, I am probably at a spin class or enjoying a glass of wine with some friends, okay, maybe two glasses of wine.